Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Jetsam 1.17.08

  • Stupid children and their unwillingness to support the home team. Some kids don't want to drink milk with their meals, and yet parents force them. No restraining orders are getting filed over that one.
  • Some guy got his 5-month-old baby in a picture with every presidential candidate. Once Hillary Clinton gets elected president and everyone hates her, too, that little girl is going to be pissed.
  • Ewww. Nobody wants to be diagnosed with Baghdatis.
  • Project Runway watch: Two-person teams leave the wrong people on the chopping block, and talented Kit gets the boot. Such bullshit, when people like Ricky still in the game. Heidi Klum: still hot.
  • Kelly Dwyer of Yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sports has the real scoop on why Jamaal Tinsley was suspended by the Pacers.
  • created an ad for the Super Bowl that featured Danic Patrick and repeatedly used the word "beaver." It was rejected.



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